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iCon2PHP (Bind PHP Shells and Images)


iCon2PHP is a great tool for everyone who uploads a shell on a website in order to extract information or deface it. I was working on it for a while (that’s why I wasn’t posting any new stuff here the last 7 days…) but I achieved to finish it.

There are many text files to know what it does exactly and everything you need to know… There is a folder also of three great shells you might need: c100, r57 and GNYShell.

There are two scripts the (Created to execute and Read the first 200 characters in order to check the correct path) and  and The latter is written in python and binds (creates in one new file) an image of any type with your shell (or text file)

These scripts are used on Linux and Mac systems. If you want to use them on Windows run the Python script only!   (The other won’t work!)


iCon2PHP: Mediafire Link

Python Download:

iCon2PHP V1.2

iCon2PHP is now updated and contains only ONE Python script. In other words, Windows Users can use it with full functionality.

Here exactly what has changed:

- Only Python
The previous version included some Bash script which runs only on Linux and Mac Enviroments. Now, with Python only, Windows users can also run this program better.

- Some Checking Functions Added
The new version does some better checks if your file exist, is empty or not. The initial release just printed the first 200 characters and the program didn’t know if the file is valid or not.

- One-time input
This release requires only one input from the user. The previous one, since it was made from two different scripts, required twice to enter the files.

- Independency
The new program is more independend from the previous one. The latter, as mentioned above, was made of 2 different scripts, while the new one is made from 1. Also, now you can access the basic commands help and shell uploading solutions from inside the program, when promted.

Download V1.2

Download Link:  Mediafire

Category: Website Hacking Tools | Added by: MaX-HaCker (12.09.01)
Views: 5285 | Comments: 3 | Rating: 3.8/4
Total comments: 3
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1 musa   (12.12.08 4:33 PM) [Entry]
Plz give a tutorial how to use it

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