Main » Articles » Tricks "n" Tweaks » Facebook Tricks and Tips |
Facebook is a great social networking site and has developed some of the best features that connect people socially and that is why it is so big. But one thing that I was not able to find on facebook was my pending friend requests . I could certainly go to somebody’s profile and see have I sent him/her a friends request or not but there is no single place where I could view all the friend requests that I sent which are pending. And a lot of pending friend requests can put you in a lot of trouble. You can solve this problem by installing a small plugin Unfriend Finder into your browser. The plugin supports approximately all the famous browsers so you would not need to change your browser if you want to use it. You can download the plugin from here. There are different processes to install it in different browsers. For firefox you would need Greasemonkey, for Opera your would need to install the script in C:/UserScripts/ and make some changes in the preferences of the browser, for safari you would need NinjaKit (similar to Greasemonkey for firefox) etc. Once you have installed the plugin in you browser now log on to facebook, in the left hand side menu and top menu you would be able to see the unfriends button. If you are facing any problems installing the plugin or any bug after installation feel free to post a comment. | |
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