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CyberGate RAT - Trojan
CyberGate RAT is a powerful, fully configurable and stable Remote Administration Tool coded in Delphi that is continuously getting developed by a experienced team. 


CyberGate RAT was built to be a tool for various possible applications, ranging from assisting Users with routine maintenance tasks, to remotely monitoring your Children, captures regular user activities and maintain a backup of your typed data automatically. It can also be used as a monitoring device for detecting unauthorized access. CyberGate RAT achieves this though it's abundant array of features. A few of which are illustrated below :

Automatically map ports if your router supports uPnP

Multi-Threaded : allowing for multiple clients to be connected, along with increased reliability.

Reverse Connection : Some of the listed advantages of a reverse connection.

*Outgoing connections generally are less treating, and are less likely to be detected or blocked by a firewall or router.
*Since the remote's computer is connecting to the remote administrator, one does not need to know the remote IP address in order to connect.

*It is much easier to keep track of the computers the RAT is installed on, since they are all "calling home" by connecting the remote administrator.

User Friendly GUI : The neat and simple GUI of CyberGate RAT make this tool very easy to useand the simplest way to achieve yours goals.

Stealth : The various features of the server installation makes the server extremely customizable accord to   each user's needs and requirements.

Keylogger : This tool can be used to find out what is happening on your computer while you are away,  maintain a backup of your typed data.

Password recovery : It can be used to recover some of passwords that your forgot long time ago.

Tasks: CyberGate RAT is able to create either tasks for the Client to perform on a specific time after being   started or an individual remote whenever it connects back to CyberGate.

Connections tab: You can monitor all the connections and client performance from a connection log that   will register actions and time /date for those actions.

File Manager with the ability to download, run, run as administrator, and so many other and the amazing   option to see all images of a selected folder as thumbnails.

It can also be used as a monitoring device for detecting unauthorized access.
CyberGate RAT comes in two variants. A trial version and a Private version distributed to customers only.

CyberGate RAT Personal Edition

CyberGate full support and new versions

CyberGate Personal Edition (v1.xx series)

Access to CyberGate private board

Comes in 3 different packages to meet different budgets 

CyberGate RAT Premium Edition

This edition is not available yet and its supposed to be v2.xx series.

Partially recoded CyberGate, due to a decision to redesign in order to achieve it's Goals more efficiently.

There will be many additions, one of the most important being that the Server's File-size will be much   smaller.

The another great addition is that CyberGate will have FUD versions available to be purchased, which   means no more additional Crypter in Package.

Download CyberGate RAT v1.04.8 here 

Download CyberGate RAT v1.11.0 here
Category: RATs | Added by: max_hacker (12.05.07)
Views: 1925 | Comments: 4 | Rating: 0.0/0
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3 z3r0   (13.02.05 4:40 PM) [Entry]
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2 Tha CodeBo0t3r   (12.08.30 12:38 PM) [Entry]
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1 Tha CodeBo0t3r   (12.08.30 12:38 PM) [Entry]
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