Main » 2011 » August » 19 » Making Facebook Phishing Site Tutorial.
9:52 AM
Making Facebook Phishing Site Tutorial.

 In my previous article I taught you people how to make a Phishing site. ( The articles is here ). Now in this article i am going to teach you how to set up the Phishing site, which is the Difficult task than making a Phishing site.

Step 1: The First Step in Making the site is to regester an account at you have account than you can skip first 2 steps)

Step 2: Now Goto your email account that you gave and confirm your account with confirmation link.

Step 3: Now Goto and Log into your account.

Step 4: Now Download this FILE ) .

Step 5: Now when you are logged into your account click on the Upload button.

Step 6: Now click on choose file under "Archives (zip, tar, tgz, gz)" section.

Step 7: Browse the file from folder where you have downloaded it.

Step 7: Now click on the tick button (as shown below) and your files would be uploaded.

Step 8: Now any one who visits your site would be taken to the Fake Facebook Login Page. After they enter their Username and Password, they will be taken to another page that will show them error. So there is less chance that it will be detected.

NOTE::: To access the input data ( Usernames and Password ) Goto the Following Address:

If I am not clear in any point Please ask me in comments below.
The Input Data (Email and Password) will look like following:

Now if you have successfully made the Phishing page(site) then you must know that on Facebook you cannot post it, mail it, or sent it in chat. e.g: This is because Facebook dont allow the sites. So Solution to this problem is to use for the URL hiding.
All you have to do is to Goto , on the main page enter your Phishers address and get a domain for that. Like for you gets And facebook will allow you to post it
Category: Pishing | Views: 803 | Added by: 3x3r00t | Rating: 0.0/0
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