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How To Make Money Online Using Facebook
Quite a lot of people have been successful in making money online by simply using their Facebook account. Now this is not a rocket science that you can’t master! You just need to know that there are so many tools that are offered by Facebook, which can also be used by beginners and nearly any user can make money online. Hence rather than spamming your contacts and family and playing those childish games, act upon the following guidelines through which you can start making money online simply by using your Facebook account. Just before jumping to the post I would like to have your attention on another useful stuff. If facebook blocked by network administrator to prevent abuse still then you can access it via using proxies. When I was searching for a good web proxy that can unblock Facebook or to unblock YouTube, there was a huge list but most of them was not working or working too slow. But I found this to be really useful for unblocking Facebook & YouTube. 

Create a business account on Facebook

To start with you need to create an account (if you don’t have one) and select an attention-grabbing name but one that points toward your niche and simply explains the service or product you are offering/selling. This is the initial step which you must follow in order to draw attention towards your business account. After making your account, fill out your profile information and that should straightly indicate your niche. Remember to form your profile in such a way that it looks highly comparable to other users. Same goes with the other information you fill out as it should be different from other users of your niche and should be eye-catching!

Pick relevant keywords

Generate keywords that much resembles to your niche. Pick ones that helps in grabbing the attention of other users. At this point you need to think like a customer and what you want. For example: "online money making” would be great.

Increase traffic

Enhance the flow of traffic by linking to other websites that has a high page rank. This step is essential if you want your online money-making business to be successful. Other major search engines can enhance your page rank by doing this

Always be active

Always try to be active on your account, so that you can converse with people and help them explaining about your service or product that you are providing. Update your blogs, notes, and postings on a regular basis.

Put up for sale anything you are offering in the marketplace, although you are previously selling items through your website. Moreover incorporate the items of your affiliate links in the Marketplace.

Make use of RSS feed

Insert an RSS feed on facebook’s notes segment. All you have to do is just head over to applications and act upon the guidelines for adding RSS links

Promote, publicize and sell

Now you’re all set to go! All you have to do is just publicize more and more and enhance your network and build good relationships with other users and keep updating your page. Be sure to provide quality content and always be thoughtful when enlisting other Facebook users for your affiliate network. A number of users may find those requests to be unpleasant. But amongst a growing community of users from all over the world, you’ll for sure be able to make money online.

Category: Facebook Tricks and Tips | Added by: max_hacker (12.02.29)
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