Main » 2011 November 17 » CHAPTER 2 : EXPLOITING IP ADDRESS.
We have quite quite good intro to hacking and hackers in chapter 0 and chapter 1 .Lets start the real work.What is IP address ?IP ADDRESS STANDS for internet protocol address.your ip address is d unique address on vch data r sent 2 you. ur internet service provider make hiMself sure dt datas r going 2 u bcoz he is sending data on d address specialy assigned 2 you. Getting ur own ip addressclick on start,go on run,open run type cmd hit entera command prompt vl appear write der netstat -n nd hit enter a list vl appear..look at local address .d first local address is ur ip address. d second method 2 get ur ip address is open on dis site u may easily know ur ip address. writing netstat is more good dis command tells about all ip address vch r connected 2 u dis moment. memorize dis small list ftp---->21 smtp--->25 dns---->53 http--->80 https---->81 pop3---->110 telnet--->23 these r port no.s. TRACING IP ADDRESS :i know many of u know dis thing,tracing some1 but i vl tell u here many new nd exiting ways.let's start. first of all,vat is d need we have 2 trace any1? see,suppose dt u vant 2 hack anywebsite or 2 any person then d most imp. thing is 2 get his ip address. untill d moment u vl nt be knowing his id address how can u do anything? here i vl teach u only tracing ip address. attacks vl come in future. let's start ,be prepared 4 knowing many new ways 2 trace any1. click on start>run>type cmd>hit enter write tracert websitename hit enter now some information vl come automatically u vl see written der[mind written in blue clr] tracing route 2 wensite name[ip address of d website] nd then many more things. yes nw u successfully got d ip address of d is really very easy. d line vch i hv written in blue clr vl be d first line automatically came nd in dt first line u may see d ip address of d in second line u vl see written. over a maximum hops of 30 Explanation of hopes nd dis thing :See,wenever u open any website u just send some data 2 dt website 4 vch dt website replies u nd den u send some data gain nd dis process continues ,nw suppose dt after of writing tracert ,ur data packets reached 2 ,now google vl try 2 reply u,bcoz google is a very big website ,it take help of many servers ,replies 4m google vl come 4m dese servers .now look at ur command prompt.der u can see written tracing vd a maximum of 30 u r getting ip address of d servers 4m vch datas r processing 2 u . here u vl see * dis sign in some places,here they have fixed firewall,so dt u cann't attack easily. written * means der is a firewall,bcoz tracing any1 is very easy,der4 de webmaster fix some firewalls so dt no1 ud be able 2 attack on dem properly. i think u ppl r geting me. A GENERAL MISCONCEPTIONI KNOW DIS THING IS NT RELATED 2 IP ADDRESS bt it is very much essential 2 tell here ,see most of u think on internet we cann't get highly sensitive information..dis is nt true.on internet many person has posted rapidshare accounts vch u need very much bt d problem is u donno where it is?d same thing is vch other things also.on internet many ppl has written many highly secret things about a website bt we donno dt .here all u have 2 make urself clear that on internet u can get highly informative topics also.oki? Let's moov 2 our original place. see, nslookup command wen u applied , u may see written der .u r nt authentized 2 dis route. is der something wrtten like it? i know der u can think d importaince of dis command. now 4 getting ip address nd 4 getting many sensitive information about a website u may also use these websites. open nd open nd open on these websites just enter d name of any website nd dis website vl give u each nd every inforamtion about dt website.u may also write down here any ip address nddese sites vl tell u each nd every thing about dt website. it is really very cool....plz open al d websites nd try 2 get d inforamtion of nd nd ur college's website.u may easily know ur college is taking who's help 2 give u internet . u may also know wen a website has been made nd each nd everything about dt website. try on orkut nd google nd ur clg website now. Gathering information is d first job of a hacker.untill d moment u vl nt be aware about each nd everyting about a website or about a ip address u cann't do anything...der is a name of gathering information thing and dt isreconnaisance i think on a website now u ppl easily can do reconnaisance. it all was about tracing a website nd 4 gathering inforamtion about a website . now jump 2 learn how 2 trace a person. mind it till now u did trace onlu a website. tracing a person is also is very easy. We will see it in our next chapter. You can ask anything related to this chapter.Your feedback is welcome ..... | |
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