Main » 2011 » August » 23 » Advanced SQL Injection - Defcon 17 - john Mccray
10:23 AM
Advanced SQL Injection - Defcon 17 - john Mccray

According to OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities of 2010, SQL injection is the most dangerous and most common vulnerability around, A SQL Injection vulnerability occurs due to improper input validation or no input validation at all, what I mean by improper or no input validation is the user input is not filtered(for escape characters) before it gets passed to the SQL database, A Sql injection attack can be any many forms, but it's usually categorized into 3 types:

1. Inband
2. Out of band
3. Inferential

n this presentation john Mccray discusses some of advanced SQL Injection methods and topics such as IDS evasion, filter bypassing etc.

Category: SQL Injection | Views: 744 | Added by: 3x3r00t | Rating: 0.0/0
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