Main » 2011 » September » 11 » Add Background Music in Your Blog
6:58 PM
Add Background Music in Your Blog
Add Background Music jn Your Blog

When we visits to any good and heavy Website, Some times we hears some kind of music from the website and there doesn't have any kind of player or App which we can see it.

This mostly does by the coding of Background Music, You also can do it. Actually it's very simple and easy to play the music in background.

If you also want to add your fav music, and want your visitors listen your song or music, just follow the given below steps.


  • Paste this coding before the <body> tag in your HTML view of template.

 <bgsound src=""loop=infinite>

I'll work but in this method our users might be get pissed off be'coz of un-stoppable music. So, second method is better than first.

  • Second method

<embed width="200" src="" autostart="false" loop="false" height="50"></embed>

This is achieved by including the following code somewhere in your template (eg: the sidebar)

Modification according to your choice:
  • autostart: set it 'false', if you want that music should not start automatically when your blog load, visitor have to press the play button for play the music. OR set it 'true' then music will play when when your page will load.
  • loop: Set it 'false', if you want that music play only once ORset it 'true' to play music continuously again and agin.
  • height: You can change it's size which is '50' by default  if it only show the play button and if you want to see blank space, you can make it change with size of height.

Warning:- You can use these extension of musics like .mp3 or .wav or .mid music files. However, you must be aware fo CopyRight Restrictions and ensure that you have the appropriate permissions for use the music for your blog.  By Akn2596 Hacker

Category: Amazing Tricks | Views: 744 | Added by: 3x3r00t | Rating: 0.0/0
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